Denise Crew

Director & Photographer

Los Angeles , California, United States
Denise is a photographer, mama & adventure seeker. She lives in Los Angeles with her family of boys. She’s known for her loose, raw style and gorgeous ooey gooey lighting that instantly transports you to the scene with evocative feelings. Her work has been lauded by AP and PDN but her favorite accomplishment was Celeste Barber knocking off one of her images from the book she shot for Netflix’s Queer Eye. When she's not shooting, she's probably riding her horse, a spicy heartthrob named Teddy. You can find her collection of personal work that supports her favorite charities at
Artist Representative
72&Sunny Allergen Bloomberg Bloomberg Fitness Magazine Fitness Magazine Fitness magazine Fitness magazine GQ Glamour HealthNet Hulu KidRow Lightbox Jewelry Lightbox Jewelry Lightbox Jewelry & Clare V. Loeffler Randall Loeffler Randall Mother Magazine Netflix Netflix Novartis Pasquini Coffee & Valleybrink Road People People magazine People magazine Queer Eye Silverlake Socialite United Airlines United Healthcare Vogue Vogue people magazine people magazine